Privacy Policy for Monereo Meyer Advogados, S.L.P.

1. Who Is the Party Responsible for the Processing of Your Data?

The party responsible for the processing of your personal data is MONEREO MEYER, SOCIEDADE DE ADVOGADOS, SP, RL (“mmmm”), with Portuguese Fiscal Identification Number (NIF) 517 083 973, and registered address at Rua Filipe Folque n.º 10 J, 4º dto, 1050-113 Lisboa.

We inform you that ownership of the domain of our web (“Website”) is held by mmmm.

By accessing and/or using the Website, you become a site user (the “User”), and that implies the acceptance, from the time of said access and/or use, of this Privacy Policy.

The User may contact mmmm at the following email address: [email protected].

2. Why Is mmmm Authorised to Process Data?

mmmm is authorised to process your data to be able to carry out its services.

mmmm takes protecting your privacy and your personal data very seriously. Consequently, your personal information is kept safely and processed with the utmost care.

This Privacy Policy governs access and use of the service (the “Service”) that mmmm makes available to the User interested in the services and content housed on the Website.

3. What Are the Purposes of the Processing of Personal Data by mmmm?

3.a Processing of personal data by mmmm

Your personal data collected by mmmm may be used for the following purposes:

  1. The provision of the services offered on the Website.
  2. The remittance of profiled commercial communication from mmmm regarding it services by letter, telephone, email, SMS/MMS, or by other equivalent electronic means of communication.

4. Veracity of the Data Provided by the Users

The User guarantees that the personal data provided are true and undertakes to communicate to mmmm any modification thereto. The User shall be responsible, in any case, for the truthfulness of the data provided, where mmmm reserves the right to exclude any User from the Services registered if he/she has provided false data, without prejudice to any other actions which may legally proceed.

5. Storage of Data

The personal data provided shall by stored by mmmm as long as the User does not state his/her wish to opt-out of mmmm’s services. mmmm shall do this so that the User may receive information regarding the company’s services.

6. User Rights in relation to His/Her Data

The User has the right to (i) access his/her personal data, as well as to (ii) request correction of wrongful data or, if applicable, request their (iii) elimination, (iv) request the limitation of the processing of his/her data, (v) oppose the processing of his/her data and (vi) request their transfer. In addition, the User may exercise his/her (vii) right to be forgotten.

The User may exercise all of these rights by writing to the following email address, [email protected], indicating the reason for his/her request and attaching a copy of his/her Spanish National Identity Document (DNI).

The User may also send his/her request by ordinary mail to the following address:


Rua Filipe Folque nº 10 J, 4º Dto, 1050-113 Lisboa

Without prejudice to any other administrative recourse or judicial action, the User shall be entitled to present a claim before a Supervisory Authority, in particular in the Member State in which he/she normally resides, works or the place of the alleged infraction, if he/she considers that the processing of his/her personal data is not adapted to the regulations, or if he/she is not satisfied with the exercise of his/her rights. The supervisory authority to which he/she presents the claim shall inform the claimant of its progress and the result of the claim.


7. Data Security

The protection of privacy and personal data of Users is very important to mmmm. Consequently, mmmm does all that it can to prevent that your data be used in an inappropriate manner, allowing access to them only by authorised personnel.

mmmm maintains personal data security levels in accordance with the applicable regulations and has established all the technical means within its reach to avoid its loss, inappropriate use, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of the data that the User facilitates through the Website, without prejudice to informing you that the security measures in Internet are not invulnerable.

mmmm undertakes to comply with professional secrecy and confidentiality obligations with respect to the personal data in accordance with the applicable legislation, as well as to confer upon them safe processing in the international assignments and transfers of data which, if applicable, may occur.

In those web services where one must be registered as a User, one must choose a password. The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this password, as well as of all the activities that occur in the session initiated with its username and password. The User undertakes to notify mmmm as soon as possible of unauthorized use of his/her username and/or password or any other security failure. mmmm shall not be responsible for the losses and damages that may arise as a result of non-compliance with this obligation of the User.

8. Changes

mmmm reserves the right to revise its Privacy Policy at any time it considers appropriate. For this reason, we ask that you regularly check this Privacy Policy to read the most recent version thereof. Nevetheless, any change in this Privacy Policy shall be communicated to the User.

9. Links to web pages

The mmmm Website may contain links to web pages belonging to third-party companies and entities.

mmmm cannot be held responsible for the way in which these companies process the protection of privacy and personal data; consequently, we advise you to carefully read the Privacy Policies of these webpages that are not property of mmmm in relation to the use, processing and protection of personal data. The terms of use offered by these pages may not be the same as those offered by mmmm.

10. Questions

If you have questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the processing of your data, we kindly ask that you contact mmmm by email at the following address: [email protected].

11. Acceptance and Consent

The User states that he/she has been informed of the terms regarding the protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the processing thereof by mmmm, in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy.